May be it has to do with the professional relationship Mondher Kbair maintains with l'Etoile! Or, may be it had to do with Jaziri not being up to Etoile standard and that he needs more playing time with ASM to improve? Faouzi Benzarti knows well each one of his players and does everything to help them succeed. Remember what he did with Chermiti? Well, Jaziri is not there yet. This is not a case of trading horses, that only exists in a certain team from the capital being lef by a politician who is using the team's name for his own political aspirations. He will keep providing money and the CA fans cheering behind him as he buys titles right and left. Good luck!
Les voleurs vendeurs et acheteurs de matchs et de juges de touches ne devraient pas parler de soit disant injustice sportive. Voici une autre contre partie du match vendu Marsa-Etoile dont personne ne parlait. C'est la HHHonte au dirigeants de l'etoile et de la Marsa. Quand on les voit parler de sport on dirait qu'ils font l'exemple, c'est ? vomir de ses menteurs.
اÙ?Ù?جراب Ø&or
Publié par RBS le Samedi 20 juin 2015 à 16:59
Etique sportive contre partie du match vendu
Publié par nafaa le Samedi 20 juin 2015 à 14:16